Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Bickershaw Telling Tales project is now well under way and has started with a visit to the Wigan and Leigh Archive service by pupils from Bickershaw C.E. School.
Children from Bickershaw C.E. Primary School meet Alex Miller from the archives

We met Alex Miller of the archives service, who explained the importance of keeping and maintaining old records and documents. We also had a tour of the archive department to see how documents are stored in fireproof rooms in the basement. Alex showed the group some maps and photographs for us to look at. Handling some of the old books and records was very interesting, and seeing ledgers hand written by people who had lived and walked around Bickershaw so long ago gave us a real sense of personal history.

Some photographs from the archive

We have also completed our first workshop sessions with the school, which included all of the pupils. Peter Goodwin of Tradition Films recorded the activities for the DVD.

We have created a collaged timeline with the older children. The timeline includes dates from 1905 to the present day with room to display events and artwork, and is over six metres long! The pupils have also been drawing and making images of themselves, the church and the houses they live in. The reception class has made bunting and flags for the celebration day, and together with the pupils we have produced two large silk banners.

Silk painting at the school

Paul Radcliffe the Head Teacher has done a wealth of research into the history of the school and church. Included in this are records and pictures of previous May Queens and the old school registers, some of which show that evacuees attended the school during the war.

Finally, the children have produced some wonderful artwork that will be used to create the painted boards when we return to the school in September.


Thursday, August 8, 2013

New Facebook Page

Bickershaw Heritage Project: Telling Tales has a new Facebook Page.

Please use this to share your information and connect to others, and of course, read up on the latest news from the project.

Click here to visit the page. Don't forget to like us and share the page with anyone who may be interested!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Welcome to Telling Tales: a journey into Bickershaw Village's past

Welcome to our blog exploring the history of Bickershaw Village. The aim of this blog is to explore the heritage of Bickershaw. We encourage everyone with connections to Bickershaw, past and present, to share their thoughts, memories and information. Over the course of the blog, we aim to collect together a wealth of information celebrating the rich history of our community.

You are welcome to post comments and share your views with others.

For more information on how to get involved, please contact: bickershawblog@gmail.com

Here is a historic map of Bickershaw. Can you find the village?