Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Please see a series of questions asking local residents about Bickershaw!!

Telling tales Project
Interview questions


The aim of the interview is to extract has much knowledge the interviewee has about Bickershaw Village, to hear there own memories

(Ice Breaker) Can you tell me your Name, date of Birth and age.

1)                Can you recall what your earliest memory is of your family home tell me what it was like,  what sort of amenities did you have, how was it furnished, how was it decorated.

2)                Obviously the village has changed over the years since your childhood streets and houses have been pulled down new property has been built can you tell me your earliest memories what the village looked like when you was a child.

3)                Looking back can you tell me why you have been living in the village what you can recall about the village shops what they sold, who where there proprietor's.

4)                In the mid 1800,s a number of pits where sunk and Bickershaw was no exception what are your memories about coal mining in the village did you or any of your family work in the pits in the village.

5)                Major Earnest Hart was obviously an important figure in the village in the first part of the nineties  what are your recollections about him.

6)                Bickershaw Hall was demolished in the 1940's did you remember the hall and what can you tell me about it.

7)                A big part of everyone’s life is there school days can you look back and tell me what it was like to attend Bickershaw school

8)                Bickershaw recreation Club was big part of social  life in Bickershaw, it had a tennis court, bowling Green and cricket ground what are your memories of the club.

9) The Forresters Arms Hotel was one of the first public houses in the village what can you remember about it  also have you any memories of the Queens Hotel

10 )Bickershaw and Abram Station was closed in the sixties can you recall travelling on the train and can you tell me of your memories of the station

11)          Bickershaw had a rugby League team called Bickershaw Hornets can you recall any memories about the team

12)          Bickershaw pop festival is probably one of the biggest events held in the village in recent time what are your memories about the event.

13)          Bickershaw Brass Band was famous throughout the country can you remember that time and what are your memories about the band.

14)          Bickershaw Church and the Methodist Chapel have been a main part of village life for a long time can you recall any memories of these two places of worship

15)            In your teenage years did you attend any dances at the school and what where your memories of theses occasions.   


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